Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Be watchful

This is to inform you that there is a new technique being used by robbers and other criminals to escape arrest by diverting the police's suspicion to an innocent third party. I was just alerted by a friend that robbers are now collecting used recharge cards, and once they abandon hijacked cars or where they dump the dead bodies of victims, they leave the already used cards at the scene or near the victims. When the police arrive, they use the scratch card's serial number to track on which phone number it was loaded; and they start tracking the owner of the phone number as a suspect for that crime. Already, two people who fell victim of the trick are in Kirikiri. To be on the safe side, once you load airtime, make sure you destroy the card before you dispose it to avoid access of these undesirable elements. Kindly circulate for the safety of your loved ones. Be cautious! 

Destroy every recharge card u use please. It doesn't take a minute to do this.

Soldiers training

When it comes to WHY you work out the reasons are varied. From health reasons, performing better in sports, and saving lives in tactical professions , we all have a near daily. But WHAT workout or event is it that you use to measure your training and abilities ? What workout or level of fitness must you maintain for you to feel acceptable with your personal fitness goals?
Here is a list of many standards that hard-charging military, police , firefighters , and equally tough civilians use as their benchmark of fitness.
What is YOUR Standard?
1. – Many people who read this column , as well as myself, will attest that if you can do a 1- 10 -1 Pullup , Pushups , Sit-ups , Dips Pyramid in a respectable time and complete the full pyramid without "too much " of a challenge or ANY cheating , that is a good standard of performance for PT Tests . Overall ability in the cardio events that follow this "test " is another way to add more of a challenge to the PT Test challenge with 1. 5, 2, or 3 mile timed runs afterword .
2. 1000 Pound Club – If you have a foundation in power lifting or are striving to reach a respectable benchmark in overall strength , the 1000 Pound Club is a good goal . The three lifts are Bench Press, Squats , and Deadlifts . Add the total 1 rep max (1 RM) of each of the lifts and if you are over 1000 pounds - you win ! For instance, a 300 pound bench press , a 400 pound deadlift, and a 300 pound squat will get you to the 1000 pound club . These are far from world class numbers, but you are reaching the respectable zone with your strength foundation if you are in this zone or better . Many with weight lifting goals have certain standards for their favorite lifts . Some common ones are bodyweight ( BW ) or 1 . 5 BW bench press for 1 rep plus, 2xBW deadlift , BW squats for 15 -20 repetitions, and of course the classic Pro Football Bench test of 225 pounds for max reps -- striving for double digits.
3 . Events – Signing up for an event is a great way to stay motivated to train as well as test your training level with your performance in events like a , a , a
, or even a 10 km or half marathon . Being able to perform at these type of events brings a certain level of standards of fitness you must maintain and build up to in order to compete in any of these events . Keep challenging yourself and the needle on the gauge of fitness standards will keep on moving in the right direction for you . These events can also help you see your weaknesses as well as your ability to be a good team player . Many people 's first event can be seriously humbling experience and you realize you would not have completed except for your team. Then you challenge to lead by example for the following events .
4. A Random Gut Check – Being able to perform a challenging workout just because it is your birthday , a
( like the Murph) , or a challenge laid down by a friend , is reason enough to stay strong and capable with a diverse set of training programs. Doing workouts that focus on all elements of fitness – speed , agility, endurance, strength, power, muscle stamina , flexibility and mobility will keep you ready and able to run the gauntlet when it is dropped . Many responded with one of the toughest CrossFit Workouts called the
Kalsu .
5. Fighting and Moving – Some people go a little more hardcore -- especially depending on their job and training history. Being able to fight in martial arts tournaments , engage in self -defense, or a specific movement like a chest kick to an attacker or a perform choke hold when on the ground are solid goals for maintaining a higher level of fitness standards .
6 . Just Living and Doing Physical Things – Many people do as many different things as they can like backcountry skiing, snowshoeing, trail running, hiking , lifting , chopping wood , shoveling snow, moving lumber , and more. Just living! Ask yourself , " Can I climb up things or over things with ease , can I run a 6 : 30 mile, sub 25 min 5k , and can I help someone move their furniture up from one home to another (and that includes moving it up staircases )?" Get out , go hard, and enjoy it all because it 's good living!
7 . Combination Cardio and Strength Standards - Many do Olympic distance Triathlons as a way to track cardiovascular endurance and stamina . But if you add in a strength standard then you can have well -rounded performance goals. Add in 1RM bench , squat, and deadlift to assess strength , or just do your bodyweight for max repetitions of the lifts . 8 . Getting in Open Water Events – A 2000m or more open water swim is still a good benchmark for many. Why? It reminds many of the yards in a pool when they were younger competitive swimmers that were easy then and as an adult validates that "I ' ve still got it " despite the amount of life that gets in the way .
9. The Military Fitness Test – Easily the most popular method of personal marking your fitness levels is any of the standard fitness tests and reaching passing to above average standards. Many retired military and veterans alike push themselves to meet the standards of their former profession . One of my personal markers is getting competitive scores on the Navy BUD / S PST for candidates attempting SEAL training : 500 yds swim, Push- ups, Sit-ups , Pull -ups , and 1 .5 mile run . Classic !
10 . Mental Toughness and Resilience for REAL Life Stress – ( from former Navy SEAL, cancer survivor , with double lung transplant ) One aspect of physical fitness that a lot forget is building mental resilience and confidence that you can endure uncomfortable situations and survive . The most integral part of my workout is discomfort . Working out in discomfort keeps me confident in my ability to calmly think and push my way through the next crisis . I have them almost every other year and just had one 6 weeks ago. Severe trouble breathing for 3 hours on day 2 of an ICU stay . I got through severe distress calmly and figured out the problem for the doctors to get better . It was because I am comfortable with being uncomfortable because I do it all the time in my workouts .
Keep it up and searching every decade of your life a challenging benchmark to keep you motivated and moving.

By colonel Tolulope


Be watchful

This is to inform you that there is a new technique being used by robbers and other criminals to escape arrest by diverting the police's suspicion to an innocent third party. I was just alerted by a friend that robbers are now collecting used recharge cards, and once they abandon hijacked cars or where they dump the dead bodies of victims, they leave the already used cards at the scene or near the victims. When the police arrive, they use the scratch card's serial number to track on which phone number it was loaded; and they start tracking the owner of the phone number as a suspect for that crime. Already, two people who fell victim of the trick are in Kirikiri. To be on the safe side, once you load airtime, make sure you destroy the card before you dispose it to avoid access of these undesirable elements. Kindly circulate for the safety of your loved ones. Be cautious! 

Destroy every recharge card u use please. It doesn't take a minute to do this.

Be watchful

This is to inform you that there is a new technique being used by robbers and other criminals to escape arrest by diverting the police's suspicion to an innocent third party. I was just alerted by a friend that robbers are now collecting used recharge cards, and once they abandon hijacked cars or where they dump the dead bodies of victims, they leave the already used cards at the scene or near the victims. When the police arrive, they use the scratch card's serial number to track on which phone number it was loaded; and they start tracking the owner of the phone number as a suspect for that crime. Already, two people who fell victim of the trick are in Kirikiri. To be on the safe side, once you load airtime, make sure you destroy the card before you dispose it to avoid access of these undesirable elements. Kindly circulate for the safety of your loved ones. Be cautious! 

Destroy every recharge card u use please. It doesn't take a minute to do this.

Yogurt poison

Do you love taking yoghurt like me, then pls read this. It was sent to me by a doctor friend.

YOGHURT🚳❌I am Dr Hassan and I work at the Teaching hospital, Lagos, a family of five  was brought into the emergency ward and they died few hours later test result shows they ingested poison and from  further investigation we discovered they drank the ELITE KINGS  YOGHURT.
We poured some into a glass apparatus and  after two days of examining it, it exploded the glass , we put it into a plastic container and the plastic container got swollen the next morning, future result shows that the yoghurt contains preservatives similar to the ones used for embalming of dead bodies.
This Elite kings Yoghurt is therefore  poisonous and not suitable for human consumption. Forward this message to all your relatives and loved ones as the poisonous drink is fast in circulation in many states.


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So socking!!!

A man by the name Eze recently told me his ordeal from the hands of underworld who move around in hunts of human kidney. His story goes....

"I entered a commercial bus popularly known as danfo from Alaba In'l market. I was tasty and needed to drink water. I saw a pure water vendor running after our bus, I could not buy because I prefer bottled water to pure water.

Hence, one of the 'passengers' bought pure water and gave the vendor N20, but the vendor protested that he had no change and the, 'good samaritan' passenger collected two sachets and handed one to me. I thanked him, opened the water and gulped it. I noticed that the water was colourful and tasted with some substance. I complained to my nearest neighbour about the water but he ignored me. I threw the remained water away.

In some few seconds, my head began to whack, I felt dizzy and helpless. I could not understand myself, I felt I was in control but I was far.

Suddenly, some group of men who seemed to have monitored us halted the bus and asked everybody to come down. One of them shouted, "did anyone drink pure water in this bus?" I said, "yes," in a weak tone, they said I should bring out my phone and call my family or anyone, I brought out my phone, on dialing my wife's number, I passed out. I was able to regain consciousness after four days in the hospital.

It was at the hospital, I was told that the people who rescued me have been on the trail of these criminals. These people specialised on drugging people, take them to secluded area, cut off their kidneys, dispose their bodies and sell the said kidneys thousands of dollars in Malaysia.

Nine of these men, including the pure water seller who also their members are now by in Kirikiri and have been charged to court."


Yogurt poison

Do you love taking yoghurt like me, then pls read this. It was sent to me by a doctor friend.

YOGHURT🚳❌I am Dr Hassan and I work at the Teaching hospital, Lagos, a family of five  was brought into the emergency ward and they died few hours later test result shows they ingested poison and from  further investigation we discovered they drank the ELITE KINGS  YOGHURT.
We poured some into a glass apparatus and  after two days of examining it, it exploded the glass , we put it into a plastic container and the plastic container got swollen the next morning, future result shows that the yoghurt contains preservatives similar to the ones used for embalming of dead bodies.
This Elite kings Yoghurt is therefore  poisonous and not suitable for human consumption. Forward this message to all your relatives and loved ones as the poisonous drink is fast in circulation in many states.


Yogurt poison

Do you love taking yoghurt like me, then pls read this. It was sent to me by a doctor friend.

YOGHURT🚳❌I am Dr Hassan and I work at the Teaching hospital, Lagos, a family of five  was brought into the emergency ward and they died few hours later test result shows they ingested poison and from  further investigation we discovered they drank the ELITE KINGS  YOGHURT.
We poured some into a glass apparatus and  after two days of examining it, it exploded the glass , we put it into a plastic container and the plastic container got swollen the next morning, future result shows that the yoghurt contains preservatives similar to the ones used for embalming of dead bodies.
This Elite kings Yoghurt is therefore  poisonous and not suitable for human consumption. Forward this message to all your relatives and loved ones as the poisonous drink is fast in circulation in many states.


ATM Alert

In case of armed robbery at the ATM, here is something you may really need.   
                          1254, YOU PUNCH 4521.                           
                          THE NOTICE OF THE THIEF.                         
                      NOT EVERYONE IS AWARE OF  THIS.                     
Forwarded as received.

Care of breast cancer

Care for cancer
If cancer cells have spread to your lymph nodes, there is a higher chance that the cells could have traveled through the lymph system and spread (metastasized) to other parts of your body. The more lymph nodes with breast cancer cells, the more likely it is that the cancer may be found in other organs as well. Because of this, finding cancer in one or more lymph nodes often affects your treatment plan. Usually, surgery to remove one or more lymph nodes will be needed to know whether the cancer has spread.
Still, not all women with cancer cells in their lymph nodes develop metastases, and some women have no cancer cells in their lymph nodes and later develop metastases.
By doctor Afolabi Cornelius

Monday, 20 March 2017

Reason why PayPal does not acept your card

ONE REASON WHY PAYPAL MIGHT BE REJECTING YOUR CREDIT CARD 10 Replies I use PayPal all the time to make online purchases. I find it very very convenient. A number of my clients use it to collect payments on their websites because it is free to join, the fees are comparable to other merchant services and your customers no longer need a PayPal account to make a purchase or pay an invoice with PayPal. It is a great option for letting people pay you online. Several weeks ago, a client of mine called because one of her customers kept having their credit card declined by PayPal and she wanted to know what could be the matter. We did some sleuthing. I called the PayPal customer service number (888-215-5506), but since the difficulty didn’t happen with a transaction on my PayPal account they couldn’t check the logs. When my client called, they were able to look at the error logs and we found out why the credit card would not go through. AND it wasn’t for all your normal reasons like the billing address doesn’t match the credit card address or the card is maxed out. It was for a reason that never would have occurred to me. When you go to check out with PayPal, there is an option to not check out with a PayPal account (see image below). The reason why the customer’s credit card was being rejected was because the customer had a PayPal account with that credit card number recorded in it. However, the customer didn’t realize that they could pay by credit card logging into their PayPal account, or for some reason wanted not to log into their PayPal account, so they had clicked on “Don’t have a Paypal account” option and were trying to pay outside of their PayPal account. PayPal assumes that if a credit card number is in someone’s PayPal account, and then a charge is run through on the same number but not through the PayPal account, there may be fraud involved. The card might have been lost or stolen. If you have a PayPal account, the option “Don’t have a PayPal account” will not work unless you use a credit card number that is not associated with your PayPal account. PayPal defaults, I believe, to extract payments from the bank account that you have on file. If times are lean and your bank account is feeling anemic, then you may hesitate to use PayPal for purchases. It is very very easy, however, to change the payment method for a purchase once you’ve logged into your PayPal account. When you log into your PayPal account to make a purchase, there is a link to change your payment method. When you click the change link, you can then select to pay with your credit card on file. In conclusion, if you have a credit card on file with PayPal, and want to make purchases with that credit card, you need to do it by logging into your PayPal account and selecting it as a payment method. If you try to use it without logging into your PayPal account, chances are it will be declined. This entry was posted i toluzy.bloggerspot.com.ng
BREAKING!!!😢😥😰 BAD NEWS. Please don't you dear fail to share this if you have a heart. Keep on sharing till we save our dear ounce. Black soot has affected southern part of the country, and people are dying by the day. It will be evil of me, if I fail to share what happened at Oyigbo in Rivers state, where family of six are struggling with their lives as you're reading this. Please, Please and Please! For now, don't dear buy yellow garri (garri with oil). Once this garri is colored, you can't tell which is affected according to Dr. Deji Afolabi. Black soot has affected the soil, and its effect is more deadly in cassava than what you can imagine. When the garri is not white and smooth enough, don't dear it for any cost I beg you! If we were able to fight Ebola, together we can do this. And please, pray for Tamuno James , Uniport 300 level student who is in between life and death just because of garri. Share to not less than ten people in your contact list if you have an atom of humanity left in you ❌🚫DO NOT EAT OR DRINK SOAK GARRI FOR NOW! PLEASE!!❌🚫 Please don't stop sharing till this message gets to your friends and family.

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